Oklahoma City Holiday Dating Guide
Downtown in December
Downtown in December presented by Devon, is a series of holiday events and attractions in the heart of Oklahoma City running all the way through January 11, 2020. It’s a one-of-a-kind winter experience that features thrilling outdoor ice skating, a tree lighting festival, afternoon visits with Santa Claus, a festive holiday run, snow tubing, free water taxi excursions, performing arts, shopping, and parties… all surrounded by twinkling holiday lights.

Myriad Gardens Holiday Events
The Myriad Botanical Gardens has a packed lineup of activities throughout the entire holiday season! First and foremost, don’t miss the thousands of spectacular lights throughout the exterior and inside the Crystal Bridge. Afterward, head to the Devon Ice Rink at the Gardens for a night of ice skating below the lights. The Devon Ice Rink and Oklahoma Curling Club will also be offering curling lessons! Head to the website to view all of the garden’s events and schedules.

Bricktown Canal Lights
The Bricktown Canal Lights display will brighten your Bricktown experience. As you stroll the canal, enjoy the dining and shopping along downtown OKC's premier entertainment district under the gorgeous holiday lights. The light display is free to the public and runs until mid January.
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Automobile Alley Lights
See the historic buildings of Automobile Alley in a whole new light at Automobile Alley Lights on Broadway. More than 180,000 colorful LED lights will drape the buildings along eight blocks of North Broadway making for a magical holiday wonderland. Stroll through the lights with your date for a romantic evening. Runs dusk to dawn until January 11, 2020.
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Mulled Wine or Hot Toddy Night
Feel like avoiding the crowds and staying inside the comfort of your home? We have something for that too. There's nothing better than a warm cup of mulled wine or a hot toddy when cool weather hits. This is a great second (or third or fourth!) date option when you want to get to know your date better. Trying a new recipe with your date is a great way to learn a skill together which enriches your bond and gives you lots to talk about. Check out Jamie Oliver’s famous mulled wine recipe, or this delicious Hot Toddy recipe from Epicurious.